Photo ops, grip and grin, grope and grin…. All the same. A fast moving environment where people are lined up to have a picture with a VIP or celebrity, and the celeb is itchy to move on. Been there; done that! And the lines have gone around the building for me, many times.
The attached photo of George Forman is a classic slate frame. Allison is holding up 10 fingers for the 10th roll of film. That’s at least 300 frames! These lines have to move FAST with zero room for error. I’m the guy!
Note: This Photoshop Web Gallery is roughly optimized for 960 x 1280 screen resolutions. If you do not see the small thumbnail prints at the bottom, you should still be able to navigate through the pictures with the arrow keys. You should also see some itsy bitsy icons to the lower right of the screen. You can navigate with these icons and even start a slide show. Cool, huh!